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“DayWellz is the habit that
keeps you healthy!”

DayWellz symbolizes the earth, sun,
trees and fruitsDayWellz
means everyday healthy, based on its motto,
‘Love me little, Love me long.'


  • Visit Our Place

    106-108 Yeongcheon Aishi-ro (Bong-dong), Yeongcheon-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
  • Office Schedule

    to Friday: 09.30am to 18.30pm
    Saturday & Sunday: Closed
  • Quick Contact

    Phone: +82-53-854-7553
    Email: daywellz00@naver.com
Ask anything online~ We’re always with you…for healthy management. CONTACT US
  • CEOHwang Jung-heung
  • Main number1599-0962
  • e-maildaywellz00@naver.com
  • 106-108 Yeongcheon Aishi-ro (Bong-dong), Yeongcheon-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
  • Tax Identification Number 144-87-02309